Website, Logo/Branding, & Outdoor

Website Design for Kozlow Eye

Kozlow Eye Center is an Ophthalmology and surgery practice run by Dr. Daniel Kozlow. The center mostly treats patients ages 50+ and/or those who require specialized care and eye surgeries.
As a new practice, the center needed a logo and look to help with establish and introduce their brand. Kozlow Eye Center also needed a website so that current and new patients could easily get in touch, learn more about the practice, and have accesses to resources and information the types of conditions they can treat. The biggest challenge of designing the site was making the layout and functionality of the site easy to use for visitors of all ages, while balancing the amount of educational content. For this reason, a navigation with drop-down menus was employed to organize the content in a simple, yet aesthetically pleasing way. The most important content is introduced first, with more specific categories following after, so that visitors can quickly gain access to items like phone numbers without getting overwhelmed by the amount of content.
After working closely with the client to meet the specific needs of their brand, the result is a clean design and clear branding that represents a safe, experienced, and trustworthy medical center that inspires confidence and quick understanding - especially in potential patients, which allowed their practice to grow very quickly. 
The general look for Kozlow Eye's brand is fresh, modern, and calm. The logo and curving design elements use the different shapes of the eye, which are the office's area of practice. The curving stylistic elements also project an open and trustworthy atmosphere.
MY ROLES: Color & font selection, logo design, all style elements & layout

Branding for Kozlow Eye

The website maintains the Kozlow Eye's branding, while organizing content for ease of use. The navigation's multi-menu layout balances content with clean style and functionality to best cater to the center's target age demographic. Site pages rely on both text and multi-media content to keep the design and material fresh and clearly understood, without appearing threatening - no graphic surgical images were used in order to give site visitors a relaxed and stress-free experience. The site was optimized to work on any device for convenience and easier use. click to visit kozloweye.com
MY ROLES: Layout & style design, coding, partial content writing/media

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